Results of Everglades visit 2-23 to 2-28

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Posted by Davis Chapman on March 05, 2003 at 09:33:01:

I spent five days vacationing in the Everglades (2-23 to 2-28). Highlights include:

Flamingo - one in Snake Bight associating with a flock of white pelicans. Seen 2-24 at 4pm near low tide from Christian Point. This bird moved to the back of the flock and disappeared from view. Snake Bight trail is currently closed so best views are from Christian Point in late afternoon (good light and low heat distortion). I did not hear any flamingo sightings outside of Snake Bight.

Eco Pond - female Painted Bunting (border of pond, west side), Grasshopper Sparrow (on trail around pond, west side) immature Blue Grosbeak (edge of road next to pond, west side), Purple Gallinule (one at various locations in pond). Interacting Swallow-tailed Kite, Coopers Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Pileated Woodpecker all vying for snag perches at back edge of open area behind pond. I did not try for nighthawks.

Flamingo Walk-in Campground - various warblers including Cape May and Yellow-throated.

Other people reported three Brown-crested Flycatchers on the Christian Point trail and a Snail Kite during a morning canoe of the Nine-mile Pond trail.

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