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Posted by Larry Manfredi on 12:56:33 09/22/07
I birded about two hours this morning at the listed locations. I had five Yellow-breasted Chats, two that showed them selfs, the others I heard only. I had Baltimore and Orchard Oriole many Alder Flycatchers, a male Northern Harrier, I heard the Sandhill Cranes but did not try and find them. A few Great-crested Flycatchers and Painted Bunting were nice. Yesterday at the Annex I had two perched Short-tailed Hawks, one light morph and one dark morph. This is a rare sight that I have been lucky to experience over a dozen times in many years of birding. I listed the warblers seen today, I also got a photo of one of the Yellow-breasted Chats.
Northern Parula
Black-and-white Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Hooded Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-breasted Chat
American Redstart
Larry Manfredi
Homestead, FL.
E-mail: birderlm@bellsouth.net
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