A.D. Barnes...this afternoon!

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Posted by Dan Irizarry on 18:32:38 09/20/07

Alot of activity this afternoon. I headed out with my dad at about 4:30. Ants were swarming in the air, and prairie warblers and gnatcatchers were having a feast!

Best part of the day...not one, but two Chuck-Will's-Widows near the shelter by the boardwalk. One was perched on a thin limb, and flew off. As we saw that one fly, another one flew overhead and followed it.

Total for today:
1 Ovenbird
1 Summer Tanager
Many gnatchatchers
10+ Red-Eyed Vireos
1 Yellow-throated Warbler
1 beautiful male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Many Cardinals
2 Titmice (flying between feeders and tree behind trailer)
2 Prairie Warblers

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