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Posted by Jim King, Naturalist Services, Miami-Dade Parks on 21:12:05 09/16/07
The NAMC Northeast Dade count started at 7:15am in Arch Creek Park and concluded after a round robin through a series of coastal parks back to Greynolds Park at 7:30pm to catch the reliable E. Screech Owls. Counts were also made at two key bird roosts: Bird Key located directly north of Pelican Harbor Marina on N.W. 79th Street and a very active and noisy combo roost of starlings and grackles in downtown North Miami at the MacDonalds on N.W. 125th St & 6th Avenue. The Burrowing Owl nest site at Barry University was also checked but no owls were present (believed to be relocated). Over all the fall migration count was average for the area with several good birds. A remarkable 65 Magnificent Frigatebirds were counted as they paraded across the bay and settled on Bird Key for the evening. 114 Black vultures were counted at Pelican Marina were they roost on the tower adjacent to the Seabird Station. The Seabird Station is also a reliable source to observed Black-crowned Night Herons plus an assortment of heron species and numerous Brown Pelicans as the hang out on the OUTSIDE of the enclosure. Painted Buntings were in Arch Creek Park on Monday but not present on the day of the count. Reptiles are taking over the former Greynolds Park Rookery: 145 Green Iquanas, 35 Basilisks (Jesus Lizard), 3 Cuban Knight Anoles, numerous Brown Anoles, and 1 American Crocodile. Green Herons contiune to nest in the rookery.
Here are the NAMC count results:
Brown Pelican (80)
Double-crested Cormorant (85)
Anhinga (3)
Magnificent Frigatebird (65) (Bird Key Roost - Pelican Harbor)
Great Blue Heron (2)
Green Heron (3)
Little Blue Heron (3)
Cattle Egret (30)
Common Egret (3)
Snowy Egret (3)
Tri-colored Heron (6)
Black-crowned Night Heron (3) (Seabird Station - Pelican)
Yellow-crowned Night Heron (3) (Greynolds Park)
White Ibis (645) (Bird Key Roost)
Muscovy Duck (12)
Black Vulture (114) (Tower & Bird Key Roost - Pelican Marina)
Red-shouldered Hawk (2)
Osprey (2)
Common Moorhen (3)
Black-bellied Plover (1)
Spotted Sandpiper (1)
Ruddy Turnstone (3)
Sanderling (6) (Haulover Beach)
Laughing Gull (250)
Ring-billed Gull (2) (Good study - Haulover Beach)
Royal Tern (15)
Sandwich Tern (3)
Rock Dove (601)
Eurasian Collard Dove (243)
Mourning Dove (335)
White-winged Dove (32) (Growing numbers in North Miami)
E. Screeh Owl (3) (Greynolds Park)
Chimney Swift (3)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (3)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (18)
Downy Woodpecker (4)
Belted Kingfisher (1)
Great Crested Flycatcher (1)
Gray Kingbird (2)
Red-eyed Vireo (14)
Yellow-throated Vireo (1) (Greynolds Park)
Blue Jay (52)
Fish Crow (701) (Conservative # - Bird Key Roost - Pelican)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (62)
Northern Mockingbird (75)
European Starling (1240) (Conservative # - N. Miami Roost)
Northern Parula Warbler (6)
Cape May Warbler (1)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (11)
Prairie Warbler (7)
Yellow-throated Warbler (7)
Worm-eating Warbler (3)
Prothonotary Warbler (1) (Arch Creek Park)
Black & White Warbler (3)
American Redstart (10)
Ovebird (20)
Northern Waterthrush (3)
Hooded Warbler (1) (Arch Creek Park)
Summer Tanager (1)
Northern Cardinal (35)
Indigo Bunting (1) (Greynolds Park)
House Sparrow (55) (North Miami Roost - K-Mart)
Bobolink (6)
Brown-headed Cowbird (6) (Mixed with Starlngs at N. Miami Roost)
Common Grackle (430) (N. Miami Roost)
Boat-tailed Grackle (366) (N. Miami Roost)
Baltimore Oriole (4) (Arch Creek-Enchanted Forest & Greynolds Park)
Spot-breasted Oriole (3) (Greynolds Park)
Total: 73 Species, 5721 individuals
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