Re: Flycatcher ID?

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Posted by Trey on 17:45:26 09/09/07

In Reply to: Flycatcher ID? posted by tricia

I do believe that you can visually ID a Brown Crested Flycatcher in the field, but not in a photograph. Maybe if you had several photos from different angles but certainly not just this one. Photos tend to exaggerate color one way or another

Brown Crested Flycatchers have a different look as far as the over all coloration. This is something Toe and I both have noticed in the field. As we have made ID of Brown Crested by the call after seeing a bird that looked like other Brown Crested we have seen in the past.

Your bird appears to have the wider white strip on the inner secondary which is diagnostic of a Great Crested Flycatcher. If it had a narrow strip it could be a Brown, but not necessarily.

Keep looking you will find a Brown Crested Flycatcher. They have been fairly easy to find over the last couple of years. We have usually found them by their call first.

"The most diagnostic call notes are the rasp or whay-burg (flat, accent on first syllable) versus the whee-eep (rising inflection of first syllable, accent on second syllable) of Great Crested and ka-brick of Ash-throated." - Birds of North America

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