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Posted by Dan Irizarry on 19:36:32 09/08/07
What a day! After a long morning birding with the group at Matheson and Fairchild, I decided that we didn't see enough. So.... I went to Cutler at around 3 and saw the Wilson's Phalarope, Blue-Winged Teals, Dowitchers (I believe mostly Long-billed), Semipalmated Sandpipers and Plovers, and killdeer. Lots of other peeps and whatnot about, but they weren't in a Binocular-friendly area of the wetland. On my way back north, I stopped at A.D. Barnes and didn't see much of anything. Went BACK to A.D. Barnes at around 6:00 and saw much more than earlier. In 10 minutes, I saw a titmouse, both immature cooper's hawks, a prairie warbler, a yellow-throated warbler, an ovenbird, tons of gnatcatchers. I did see another warbler, but I couldn't ID it. It was VERY drab, no wing bars, and a little lighter underneath. It MAY have been an orange-crowned warbler, but I am not certain. Hopefully, we can find it tomorrow morning at the walk.
Hope to see lots of you there. It was great meeting everyone this morning and putting faces to names.
Happy Birding,
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