Cutler Wetlands: shorebirds and more, 9/7

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Posted by Toe on 19:32:22 09/07/07

Around 5:00 this afternoon I did my usual afternoon stop at Cutler Wetlands and the surrounding areas. My first stop was the wetlands on the north side of 232 St., behind the fence across from the wastewater treatment plant. There were 5 Avocets along with a bunch of smaller shorebirds and some Northern Shovelers. Two Black Terns were hunting over the ponds just across the street.

The southeast corner of Cutler Wetlands had nothing, but all the birds were located on the northern side. There was an adult Bald Eagle in front of the water control structure, but the shorebirds didn't seem to mind. The Wilson's Phalarope was there doing its thing. Numbers of Semipalmated Sandpipers seem to have decreased, indicating that shorebird migration is winding down. Three Willets were the first I've seen here in a while. The number of Blue-winged Teal has increased dramatically, so the other ducks are not far behind. Not a bad afternoon list considering I put in about 45 minutes.

The List:
Semipalmated Plover (~150)
Killdeer (!10)
American Avocet (5)
Black-necked Stilt (5)
Greater Yellowlegs (7)
Lesser Yellowlegs (~125)
Solitary Sandpiper (take a guess)
Willet (3)
Pectoral Sandpiper (4)
Western Sandpiper (~150)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (~100)
Least Sandpiper (~50)
Stilt Sandpiper (~30)
Long-billed Dowitcher (2, maybe more)
SHort-billed Dowitcher (~50?)
Dowitchere sp. (~100, didn't put much time into ID'ing)
Wilson's Phalarope

I was hoping to see a Spotted Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, and the Red Knot that was there the other day to make it a 19 shorebird afternoon, but 16 isn't bad so close to home. It's Friday, so these are definitely beer birds.


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