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Posted by The Whiner on 09:16:25 09/07/07
This morning there was a smidgen more activity. The service road had a small flock before the hammock opens that contained Redstarts, Prairie, Ovenbird, Parula, Ganatacatchers, and R-E Vireos. The first pond had a Louisiana Waterthrush, which later flew farther down and was relocated near the pond where the trees form a bridge over the road beyond where the hammock opens. There was a Yellow-breasted Chat in the lower branches of these overhandging trees as I watched the waterthrush bob along. The east side of Old Cutler Road had another small flock in the oaks around the bathroom. I birded from 7:30 - 8:30, so I'm sure I missed a bunch.
Seems a few more birds have arrived. Things should get better when migration REALLY begins. (right now, things still suck!)
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