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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 22:09:49 09/04/07
I went back to Sadowski this afternoon and got there just in time for a down pour. I sat under the BIG TREE and covered my camera with a towel.
As soon as the rain ended I found an Empidonax and took a few photos. The bird didn't have the amount of yellow I has seen earlier in the morning. There was a little yellow and maybe the light hitting it the right way early in the morning fooled me.
Anyway that bird worked the lower edge of the shrubs to the north and east of the trail exit. I didn't hear this one call, but shortly after loosing sight of this one, another Empidonax made a showing. This one had a slight eye ring and the other one didn't.
I called Toe and Larry for some help. While waiting for Toe I hear the second bird call with a soft "whit"... several times. Toe showed a little later and saw the second bird and said it was a traillii for sure. Toe never got to hear the bird and neither of us heard an Alders call either.
I'm pretty convinced at least one of the two birds is a Willow...
Larry the Great, Manfredi is supposed to go by in the morning to try and relocate the birds and hopefully hear them call. I have a dentist appointment and wish I could cancel, but if anyone can ID these birds it's Larry.
OK, Larry now you have to go check this one out! LOL :)
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