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Posted by Brennan Mulrooney on 10:29:13 09/04/07
Monday at about 1PM I had a calling Willow Flycatcher at Boot Key in Marathon. To get to Boot Key, turn left (south) on 20th Street in Marathon (the west end of town) and go over the bridge. There is a pull out on the right maybe 200 yds beyond the bridge, just before the stand of Australian Pines on the left. This is the same area where the Thick-billed Vireo was found a few years back. There are two large fruiting Ficus trees on the left that were full of birds and the Willow Flycatcher was hanging with this flock. It was a juvenile bird (bold buffy wingbars) and did not respond to tape. I heard it call at least four times in about 30 min. The call is a "whit" note similar to Least Flycatcher, but not as short and dry. It is also similar to Brown-crested Flycatcher, but not as loud or explosive. The bird was obviously larger than a Least Flycatcher, with longer primary projection than that species shows. The bill was also noticeably larger. Acadian Flycatcher was eliminated by this bird's whiter throat and shorter wings (and call of course). The bird shows a very thin, indistinct eyering, I only noticed it in scope views. Other birds at that location were:
White-crowned Pigeon
Red-eyed Vireo
Black-whiskered Vireo
Eastern Kingbird (big flock)
Gray Kingbird
N. Parula
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
American Redstart
Seen elsewhere in the upper keys:
Short-tailed Hawk (seen perched for about 10 minutes, killer pics)
Yellow Warbler (migrant type)
Black-and-white Warbler
N. Waterthrush
Hooded Warbler
So nine species of warblers total, not bad for such a SLOW migration ;) Especially since I didn't get out of the house until about 8:30! I was hoping for some exciting shorebirds at the Marathon Airport, but it was dry and birdless.
Brennan Mulrooney
Key Largo, FL
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