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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 23:14:22 09/03/07
We stopped by AD Barnes today in the afternoon about 5pm for an hour or so. We met a fellow bird board poster while birding the boardwalk.
Heading out of the nature trail we were able to see by the fountain area 2 immature Cooper's Hawk hunting a squirrel without success.
Good for the squirrel not for the hawk. We mainly birded the nature trail and stopped at the east side by the lake for 15 minutes on our way out. List of what we saw below:
2 Cooper's Hawk (immature)
2 Blue Jay
15 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1 Yellow-throated Warbler
1 Cardinal
1 American Redstart
East side by lake:
25 White Ibis
1 Great Crested Flycatcher
As we were getting into our car by the nature center we saw the Cooper's Hawk hunting another squirrel in the tree above our car again without success. We can't wait until migration is in full swing...
Nature is Awesome!
Angel & Mariel
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