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Posted by David S. on 22:20:57 09/02/07
Drove out to Eco Pond in Flamingo & made some other stops in-between. Highlight was a male Bald Eagle flying over the almost-deserted campground. Spoonbills in the pond were nice. Stopped at Paurotis Pond & got bit by deerflies. Mahogany Hammock had a Great Crested Flycatcher. Some birds are listed below. Plus (+) signs indicate how numerous.
Spoonbills (3)
Bald Eagle
Eastern Kingbirds ++
Great Crested Flycatcher
Red Bellied Woodpeckers
Prairie Warbler?
Painted Bunting-female?
Black & Turkey Vultures +
Red-Shouldered Hawks
Ground Doves American Crows +
Barn Swallows ++
Mocking Birds++
Great Blue Herons
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