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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 23:04:28 08/29/07
In Reply to: Re: A.D. Barnes - Titmouse posted by Dan Irizarry
Hi Dan,
We were at A.D yesterday. We did not see the Hill Myna unfortunately.
We walked the nature trail for about 2 hours back and forth following the sounds & sightings of the birds. We saw 2 Immature Cooper's Hawk together and a while later saw an adult Cooper's Hawk alone calling out.
We also spotted the Tufted Titmouse quietly foraging for a while.
We were excited to make a lifer for a brief moment...the Eastern Wood-Pewee. Then we headed over to the lake where we saw a large group of Ibis foraging the lake for a while & eventually all depart except for a few. We saw a Tri-Colored Heron eat 2 fish and fly away.
Finally we observed a Immature Green Heron drop a fly into the water stalk it floataway a bit and then re grasp it and repeat eventually leaving it and flying off unsuccessful all off a branch he was perched on at an angle.
A list of what we saw below:
1 Anhinga
1 Tricolored Heron
2 Green Heron (1 Immature)
97 White Ibis (15 Immature)
3 Cooper's Hawk (2 Immature together)
3 Common Moorhen
1 Eastern Wood-Pewee
1 Black-whiskered Vireo
2 American Crow
1 Tufted Titmouse
20 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1 Northern Parula
4 Yellow-throated Warbler
2 Northern Cardinal
2 Common Nighthawk (driving out the park)
...Nature is awesome!
Angel & Mariel
We'll post picture later
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