Smooth-Billed Ani

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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 18:52:01 08/09/07

We had to take my sister to the Ft Lauderdale Airport and we decided on the drive back to try our luck another time in search for the Smooth-billed Ani on Old Griffin.
We searched the area right next to the 800 bldg on the metal electric towers. For the first few minutes we encountered a bunch of European Starlings on the lines. We circled around the area cautiously and then spotted a much larger bird on the tower right next to the bunch of starlings we had just been looking at. We drove back to the street right in front to get a closer look and identify.
As we identified it as a Red Shouldered Hawk the group of about 35 Starlings started harassing the Hawk. The Hawk decided to fly off. To our surprise the group of Starlings continued to fly after the RS Hawk as he circled soaring higher and higher as they swooped and charged him in flight. After about 3 minutes or so the RS Hawk flew towards the canal and the Starlings landed back on the lines.
As we watched them land I noticed behind them was darker & bigger birds sitting on the last metal infrastructure. We drove closer to see and to our surprise 4 SMOOTH-BILLED ANI were sitting and calling beautiful.
There were 2 juveniles and 2 adults.
Of course a lifer for both of us but no camera!
We attempted to capture on our camera phone and got the calls but the images aren't as clear.
We sat and watched them for a few minutes then the junveniles flew into the bushes underneath the Papaya Trees next to the metal structure they were perched on.
1 adult flew from the canal and back with a dragonfly.
It was awesome! We suggest to be cautious when birding and to be alert. We actually saw all of the following without even getting out of the car in about 20 minutes today around 4:20 pm:

4 Smooth-billed Ani
2 Gray Kingbird
3 Loggerhead Shrikes
1 Red-Shouldered Hawk
35 European Starlings
1 Mockingbird
4 Boat-tailed Grackle

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