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Posted by Jeanette on 11:13:38 07/31/07
I dropped by A.D. Barnes about 1 hour ago and to my surprise saw a Prothonary Warbler. I had two different field guide books with me. I got a very good view of the bird many times and was able to follow it over a 20 min. time period. It was gorgeously colored and was eating under leaves in the trees. It was located in the group of Oak trees on the eastern most edge of the circular driveway at the southern end of the park. The large metal tower is close by. To start at the entrance of the park from 72nd ave., make a rt. off 72nd then an immediate rt. once in park . This leads you to the circular drive way. As I said the trees are on the eastern side between the drive way and the nature path. Actually, I first spotted the bird going down this path to the south. I saw it just past the large Oak tree trunk that over hangs the path. It then moved to the area previously described. It was a beauty! I also saw a few Yellow Throats, a Blue Gnatcathcher, another unidentified warbler and possibly a Brown Thrasher. The Brown Thrasher I am not sure of as got such a brief glimpse.
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