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Posted by Ruben Irizarry on 16:33:01 07/25/07
Took a trip down SR 9336 to the Everglades today. Aerojet Rd was pretty barren except for Crows and Cattle Egrets. Just before the entrance to Everglades, we stopped across the street from Garrett Memorial Park. Saw an Easter Meadowlark, Common ground doves, and about 100 Barn Swallows and 1 Purple Martin perched on the wires. Many more were flying about. There was one Swallowtailed Kite circling about as well.
We went down research Rd and Long Pine Key looking for Bluebirds, but all we saw were a couple bobwhites, pileated and red-bellied woodpeckers, cardinals, mockingbirds, and one red-shouldered hawk.
The storm clouds were starting to roll in and we were all hungry, so at about 2:20 we started to head out. Between the turn for Royal Palm and the Coe visitor center, about 200 Nighthawks were foraging in the air. Some came right over the hood of the car, quite a sight to be seen!
Happy Birding!
Ruben Irizarry
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