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Posted by Robin Diaz on 13:59:43 07/25/07
Yesterday, 2 Bobolinks were a surprise in Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. Increasing in numbers are Chimney Swifts, Barn Swallows and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. A few Yellow-throated Warblers are showing up.
On Aerojet Road (Annex) today, another surprise was a female-type Orchard Oriole on the west side of the road, 10 yards south of the transformer boxes. Two Sandhill Cranes and Lesser Yellowlegs were in a nearby field. I hoped to better my 7/12/05 sighting of 68 White-crowned Pigeons along Aerojet but the road was closed at the defunct youth camp. Numerous Barn Swallows were working the agricultural fields.
The racetrack fields were wet, with expected birds including Black-necked Stilts, perched Common Nighthawks and Limpkins. I spotted a total of 13 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks throughout the first 2 fields. I heard a Baltimore Oriole call and chatter from a dense schinus area but it refused to come out. Without a visual, I can't rule out a very clever mockingbird which only does oriole imitations.
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