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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 22:20:09 07/18/07
I went to Cutler Wetland to attempt to get record photo of a Long-billed Dowitcher. It took me a short time to locate one of the two Long-billed Dowitchers that we have been seeing the last couple of days. The Dowitchers were pretty far into the marsh so I put on my wading shoes and walked in and found a spot to sit and wait. I was hoping they would come close enough for a good photo.
Several times the dowitchers and peeps flew and landed relatively near by. On one occasion I heard the long-billeds call... the single hard "kek" on take off and once when they flew over me I heard a repetitive "kek, kek, kek, kek". I also heard the Short-billed call as well. Visually I picked the Long-billed out of the crowd as they were a bit larger as compared to the short-billed and had hump on the back when feeding where the short-billed had a straight slim appearance.
I was hoping to get a photo of the Alternate plumage Long-billed showing the baring on the breast, but no luck there. Unfortunately my mornings are filled for another week so I can't take advantage of the sun being over my shoulder for a while. Shooting into the sun late in the evening stinks...
Shorebirds seen today: (I only observed the SE quadrant)
Pectoral Sandpiper 2
Least Sandpiper 40
Western Sandpiper 6
Semi-palmated Sandpiper 12
Short-billed Dowitcher 8
Long-billed Dowitcher 2
Stilt Sandpiper 2
Solitary Sandpiper 1
Killdeer 20
Lesser Yellow-legs 14
Greater Yellow-legs 5
Black-necked Stilts 25
Lots of waders including Spoon-billed and Wood Stork
Black-bellied Whistling Duck 4
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