A new milestone for Cutler Wetlands

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Posted by Toe on 23:10:42 06/12/07

Yesterday, while looking for the White-faced Ibis, Trey and I saw a Yellow-crowned Night Heron at Cutler Wetlands. I checked my species list for this site, and these two species are #'s 90 and 91 for this site. Not bad for a 20 acre piece of dirt and water in just under 2 years of observing. Below is the list I've been keeping since July 2005. If anyone has any others to add please let me know.

1. Black-bellied Plover
2. Wilson s Plover
3. Semipalmated Plover
4. Killdeer
5. American Avocet
6. Black-necked Stilt
7. Willet
8. Greater Yellowlegs
9. Lesser Yellowlegs
10. Solitary Sandpiper
11. Spotted Sandpiper
12. Hudsonian Godwit
13. Ruddy Turnstone
14. Red Knot
15. Sanderling
16. Dunlin
17. Semipalmated Sandpiper
18. Western Sandpiper
19. Least Sandpiper
20. White-rumped Sandpiper
21. Pectoral Sandpiper
22. Buff-breasted Sandpiper
23. Long-billed Dowitcher
24. Short-billed Dowitcher
25. Stilt Sandpiper
26. Wilson s Phalarope
27. Wilson s Snipe

Gulls and Terns:
28. Laughing Gull
29. Ring-billed Gull
30. Herring Gull
31. Lesser Black-backed Gull
32. Franklin's Gull
33. Bonaparte s Gull
34. Black-headed Gull
35. Common Tern
36. Black Tern
37. Least Tern
38. Gull-billed Tern
39. Caspian Tern
40. Royal Tern
41. Black Skimmer

42. Black-bellied Whistling Duck
43. American Wigeon
44. Northern Shoveler
45. Mottled Duck
46. Northern Pintail
47. Blue-winged Teal
48. Lesser Scaup
49. Hooded Merganser
50. Red-breasted Merganser

51. Bald Eagle
52. Northern Harrier
53. Red-shouldered Hawk
54. Peregrine Falcon
55. Merlin
56. American Kestrel
57. Turkey Vulture

Waders and such:
58. Roseate Spoonbill
59. American Bittern
60. Least Bittern
61. Great Blue Heron
62. Little Blue Heron
63. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
64. Great Egret
65. Snowy Egret
66. Green Heron
67. Moorhen
68. American Coot
69. Anhinga
70. Double-crested Cormorant
71. Wood Stork
72. White Ibis
73. Glossy Ibis
74. Sacred Ibis
75. White-faced Ibis

76. Common Nighthawk
77. Cave Swallow
78. Tree Swallow
79. Barn Swallow
80. Yellow-rumped Warbler
81. Common Yellowthroat
82. Palm Warbler
83. American Restart
84. Savannah Sparrow
85. Brown-headed Cowbird
86. Northern Cardinal
87. Red-winged Blackbird
88. Loggerhead Shrike
89. Mourning Dove
90. Boat-tailed Grackle
91. Common Grackle

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