Purple Martins/Chimney Swifts

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Posted by Jeanette on 19:50:20 06/05/07

I am routinely seeing Purple Martins and Chimney Swifts around Palmetto Club Golf Course from about 1900 to 2000. I can usually see them near 99th ave and 157th terr. They put on quite a show with the P. Martins diving down almost hitting the street. You always can hear the Chimney Swifts twittering. I note the Chimney Swifts seem to stay more toward the golf course field while the Martins seem to stay nearest to the lake area. Also in regard to the Vermillion Flycatcher, I believe we saw a female this past winter on one of the TAS trips ENP at the campground at Flamingo. To see the Chimney Swifts you need to ride down Palmetto Golf Club Drive just past 157th terr. on the rigt to go nearest to the Golf field.

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