NAMC Totals: Miami-Dade County

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Posted by Brian Rapoza on 22:34:54 05/21/07

A total of 8,149 birds of 142 species were counted in Miami-Dade County during the North American Migration Count on May 12. Unlike most spring counts, this was truly a migration count; westerly winds undoubtably contributed to the amazing numbers, including triple-digit counts for four different species of warblers! Nineteen species of warblers were tallied, including 7 Connecticuts! The two Bicknell's Thrushes banded at Cape Florida, as far as I know only the third and fourth ever banded in the state, were another of the many highlights of this memorable count.

Thanks to the following for their assistance with the count:
Elsa Alvear, Paul Bithorn, Bill Boeringer, Michelle Davis, Robin Diaz, Felipe Guajardo, Jim King, Bill Luquet, Shelby Moneysmith, Matthew Muller, Jocelyn and Gary Robinson, Maria Rodriguez, Susan Schneider and Roberto Torres.

Following are totals for each species:

Muscovy Duck-36
Mottled Duck-3
Northern Shoveler-1
Red-breasted Merganser-1
Northern Bobwhite-3
Pied-billed Grebe-6
Northern Gannet-1
American White Pelican-6
Brown Pelican-26
Double-crested Cormorant-65
Magnificent Frigatebird-2
Least Bittern-1
Great Blue Heron-15
Great White Heron-3
Great Egret-61
Snowy Egret-12
Little Blue Heron-34
Tricolored Heron-13
Reddish Egret-2
Cattle Egret-217
Green Heron-49
Black-crowned Night-Heron-5
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-2
White Ibis-787
Glossy Ibis-47
Roseate Spoonbill-8
Wood Stork-13
Black Vulture-111
Turkey Vulture-40
Swallow-tailed Kite-3
Snail Kite-3
Northern Harrier-1
Cooper's Hawk-1
Red-shouldered Hawk-16
Red-tailed Hawk-1
King Rail-1
Purple Gallinule-6
Common Moorhen-48
American Coot-31
Black-bellied Plover-4
Wilson's Plover-4
Semipalmated Plover-108
Black-necked Stilt-49
Greater Yellowlegs-4
Lesser Yellowlegs-11
Solitary Sandpiper-5
Spotted Sandpiper-18
Ruddy Turnstone-57
Semipalmated Sandpiper-492
Least Sandpiper-38
White-rumped Sandpiper-45
peep sp.-11
Stilt Sandpiper-60
Short-billed Dowitcher-2
Long-billed Dowitcher-4
Laughing Gull-13
Ring-billed Gull-5
Royal Tern-28
Forster's Tern-4
Least Tern-26
Rock Pigeon-64
White-crowned Pigeon-3
Eurasian Collared-Dove-332
White-winged Dove-42
Mourning Dove-148
Common Ground-Dove-18
Blue-crowned Parakeet-8
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet-6
Monk Parakeet-20
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-11
Eastern Screech-Owl-3
Burrowing Owl-5
Barred Owl-3
Common Nighthawk-18
Chimney Swift-6
Belted Kingfisher-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-51
Downy Woodpecker-4
Northern Flicker-5
Pileated Woodpecker-4
Great Crested Flycatcher-19
Eastern Kingbird-7
Gray Kingbird-8
Loggerhead Shrike-32
White-eyed Vireo-28
Blue-headed Vireo-2
Red-eyed Vireo-2
Black-whiskered Vireo-7
Blue Jay-103
American Crow-36
Fish Crow-75
Purple Martin-23
Cave Swallow-2
Barn Swallow-1
Carolina Wren-21
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-3
Eastern Bluebird-1
Gray-cheeked Thrush-11
Bicknell's Thrush-2
Swainson's Thrush-4
Gray Catbird-3
Northern Mockingbird-159
Brown Thrasher-3
Cedar Waxwing-65
European Starling-154
Common Myna-9
Hill Myna-2
Orange-crowned Warbler-1
Nashville Warbler-1
Northern Parula-38
Yellow Warbler-1
Magnolia Warbler-5
Cape May Warbler-22
Black-throated Blue Warbler-213
Black-throated Green Warbler-4
Pine Warbler-11
Prairie Warbler-8
Palm Warbler-15
Blackpoll Warbler-592
Black-and-white Warbler-36
American Redstart-907
Swainson's Warbler-1
Northern Waterthrush-63
Connecticut Warbler-7
Common Yellowthroat-706
Northern Cardinal-135
Eastern Towhee-8
Savannah Sparrow-1
Red-winged Blackbird-149
Eastern Meadowlark-31
Boat-tailed Grackle-502
Common Grackle-148
Bronzed Cowbird-1
Brown-headed Cowbird-1
House Sparrow-71

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