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Posted by Jocelyn on 16:04:34 05/14/07
The following are the results for the NAMC on 5/12/07. The areas we covered were Castellow Hammock early morning and then Larry & Penny Thompson Park, followed by the Metro Zoo. In spite of the haze (which seemed to get worse mid-day!),we didn't have any difficulty observing in each area. Alot of walking and counting many more Collared Doves than I ever wish to see! But it was still exciting and a great excuse to bird all day!
We had a total of 41 species, and 912 individuals.
The following were tallied:
Pied-billed Grebe (2)
Double-crested Cormorant(1)
Great Egret (11)
Snowy Egret (4)
Cattle Egret (7)
White Ibis (70)
Muscovy Duck (12)
Black Vulture (1)
Red-shouldered Hawk (1)
Common Moorhen (12)
American Coot (5)
Ring-billed Gull (1)
Rock Pigeon (1)
Eurasian-collared Dove (234)
White-winged Dove(17)
Mourning Dove(59)
Monk Parakeet(5)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (4)
Purple Martin(15)
Blue Jay(29)
Northern Mockingbird(61)
Brown Thrasher(1) (Castellow Hammock)
Loggerhead Shrike(9)
European Starling(46)
Blue-headed Vireo(2)
Northern Parula(1)
Black-throated Blue Warbler(1)
Black-throated Green Warbler(1)
Prairie Warbler(1)
Blackpoll Warbler(34)
Ameican Redstart(22)
Northern Waterthrush(1)
Connecticut Warbler(1)(Larry & Penny,hedges past slide area)
Common Yellowthroat(2)
Northern Cardinal(13)
Eastern Towhee(1)(Larry & Penny,east of lake by pines)
Red-winged Blackbirds(22)
Boat-tailed Grackles(74)
Common Grackle(87)
House Sparrow(40)
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