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Posted by Toe on 18:01:03 05/12/07
Although Sadowski was VERY birdy this morning, I couldn't find a Connecticut or Mourning for the count. There were a lot of warblers, but little variety. The most common by far were Blackpolls, with good numbers of Redstarts, BTB's, and Common Yellowthroats. There were over 300 individual warblers in and around Sadowski.
Cutler Wetlands still has a lot of shorebirds, although many have probably scattered for the day. The number of peeps was a little lighter than two days ago, but it's probably up again in the afternoon. Semipalmated Sandpipers were the most abundant this morning, with ~460 by my estimate. My favorite showing was by 44 White-rumped Sandpipers, which I took extra care in getting an accurate count. Also noteworthy were 60 Stilt Sandpipers, all in alternate plumage. Some species that were present in fewer numbers from the other day were Semipalmated Plover (104), Least Sandpiper (29), and both Dowitchers (2 of each). It's just a hunch, but these species may disperse to nearby saltwater areas, and return in the afternoon. They may just have been there but scattered. Who knows.
A couple of late sightings were Northern Harrier, drake Northern Shoveler, and 6 White Pelicans. If were're lucky, the conditions will be the same in August. At which time, Cutler Wetlands may produce even more shorebirds. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I hope the other counters enjoyed their day as much as I did!
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