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Posted by Alex Harper on 20:20:05 05/11/07
Went to Enchanted Forest Park in North Miami this afternoon after picking up my prom tuxedo. I finally got to get somewhere and bird.
I arrived at about 5:45, and it took about thirty-five minutes to find a Connecticut, which was around the horse stables.
There were a lot of birds, and warbler diversity was mediocre.
Northern Parula ~5
Magnolia Warbler- 1 stunning male
Black-throated Blue Warbler ~20
Blackpoll Warbler ~15
Black-and-white Warbler 1
American Redstart ~40
Common Yellowthroat ~55
Connecticut Warbler 1
Northern Waterthrush 4
Ovenbird ~5
I also found a Florida Box Turtle on the east side of the canal in the park.
At the house earlier, I had Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, American Redstart, Black-and-white Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Waterthrush, and Ovenbird.
I'm very glad to have gotten an opportunity to get out and bird, especially before the Connecticuts depart. I had tons of homework, as well as work all this week, and my prom is tomorrow, so this was pretty much my only chance to bird.
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