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Posted by John Hutchison on 12:31:46 05/09/07
In Reply to: Connecticut Warblers at Matheson service road!!!! posted by Felipe G.
Ah It has been a long time since 1812. Alexander Wilson had just left New Haven, Ct . He was disappointed he only sold 3 subscriptions to his American Ornithology at Yale. He hiked toward Hartford, and spotted a new bird for him in the underbrush. He named it "Agilis" as it walked and hopped close but secluded in the underbrush. Finally after collecting it, he gave it the English name of Connecticut Warbler. Thru the years he collected only two more specimens. A nesting bird was not found until 1883 in Manitoba. Congadulations!! Felipe and other. Easier found in Florida than in Ct ( even in fall). Migaration just going here in Western Ma.
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