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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 21:55:24 05/08/07
In Reply to: Bahama Mockingbird update posted by Robin Diaz (for) David La Puma
I went back this evening to try and find at least one cooperative Connecticut Warbler to photograph. I found at least 4, but none would let me get close enough for an excellent photo. I had to settle for getting to see a Mourning Warbler also. It was on the south part of the trail near the cross road by the bathroom.
There were lots of birds to observe and it was great to see people I hadn't seen in a while and to meet a few that I know from online. The Bahama Mockingbird was very cooperative and this evening it was acting territorial working the area north of the buttonwood where it was originally located.
I saw:
Bahama Mockingbird
Prairie Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Connecticut Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Red Start
Black Throated Blue
Common Yellow Throat
Black Poll
Wormeating Warbler
Spotted Sandpiper - on the trail
Wood Thrush - Seen about 150 ft. north of the "buttonwood" - I saw one last year on April 29 near the lighthouse.
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