Re: Another pesky RFI: ani, roseate, a. nighthawk, ww parakeet

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Posted by Jeff Weber on 08:26:31 05/02/07

In Reply to: Another pesky RFI: ani, roseate, a. nighthawk, ww parakeet posted by John O'Neill

There were White-winged Parakeets in the black olive trees behind the building where I work both yesterday and the day before. I heard and saw them upon arrival at work around 8:00 a.m. and when I left around 5:00 p.m., both days. The building is at 550 NW LeJeune Rd., just south of MIA. They can also be found in the royal palms and date palms bordering Ocean Bank, on the corner of LeJeune and NW 7th St. (NW corner). They fly back and forth, so there is ample opportunity to see small flocks in the air. The Shell station at LeJeune and 7th (SW corner) is a good vantage point for this. If you're looking in the parking lot behind my building and the guard asks what you're doing, just tell him I work there and said it was OK. Good luck.

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