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Posted by Sidd Ramachandramurthi on 14:23:14 04/28/07
Antillean Nighthawks could be heard loud and clear
at the Marathon airport last night (April 27) from
7:45 PM to 9 PM.
A few Common Nighthawks were also there to provide contrast.
Although I did manage to get the Antillean in
view a few times, the views were too poor for identification.
However, the call was persistent, loud, and clear.
When both species were in one view, it was interesting
to note the difference in size and call.
Neil Smith of Ohio showed up just in time to enjoy this
Other birds of note in the Upper Keys that day were:
Magnificent Frigatebird (female) at Marathon
Magnificent Frigatebird (male) at Islamorada fishing bridge
Blackpoll Warbler at the Islamorada fishing bridge
Cape May Warbler at the John Pennecamp State Park visitor center
--Sidd Ramachandramurthi
Mountain View, CA
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