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Posted by Kathleen V on 13:07:16 04/27/07
A quick stop Sunday at Bahia Honda SP, walk up the hill to the bridge produced:
Bald Eagle
Short Tailed Hawk
several Mangrove Cuckoos
Scarlet Tanagers
Indigo Buntings-many
Blackpoll Warbler-several
Prothonotary Warblers
Black Throated Blue Warblers
Black and White Warblers
Mourning Dove
Ground Dove
White Crowned Pigeon
American Redstart
A big mix of shorebirds, plovers, sandpipers, turnstones, other stuff all together right on the beach-side. Some pelagics out there (not a "real" trip so I did not have my "real" gear - just the emergency bino's)
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