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Posted by Jeff Toll on 09:28:32 04/24/07
My wife and I took a day of sanity to try out the new kayak and get some birding in. Lucky Hammock was fairly quiet-wouldn't mind some confirmation of a possible Philadelphia vireo, though. Chestnut-sided,blackpoll,b&w warblers,either ash-throated or brown-headed flycatchers (sorry-not sure) and the usual vireos at Mahogany Hammock. Coot Bay Pond and Bay - many ST Kites, pileateds, kingfishers,vireos/herons/egrets; 1 pair of Horned Grebes (seen well for several minutes). A 4 ft croc on the shoreline on some mangrove roots. Bobolinks, indigo buntings on the main road.My first ENP box turtle on the swale just past Eco pond parking. Great day.
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