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Posted by Holly on 12:53:21 04/19/07
In Reply to: Re: Evergreen Cemetery, Ftl 4-18 2PM.3PM posted by nbillheimer
I was there this morning (Thurs) about 9:30 - no Spindalis seen by myself or the 5+ other serious birders that were there at the time. But we sure looked! They were digging a grave and mowing the lawn, so the noise level was not good at the time.
We did see a male Scarlet Tanager, several Cape May warblers, some Prairies, a flock of loud Macaw-type parrots, a flock of Cedar Waxwings, a Blackpoll male, Palms, Nighthawks overhead, and reportedly some Redstarts that I did not see myself.
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