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Posted by Bill Boeringer on 09:59:52 04/18/07
Spent an hour at Barnes this morning, and ran into Toe, John Boyd and Dee. The ficus tree in the rooster area was loaded with birds! At least 4-5 Scarlet Tanagers, Summer Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Veery, plus warblers (Cape May, Blackpoll, Magnolia highlighting). Toe also had Gray-cheeked Thrush earlier.
Toe had seen Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Buntings along the ex-railroad tracks, and I went over for a brief check. I found neither, but did have a couple of Painted Buntings. On the way back I saw some movement in the yard of one of the houses abutting the tracks. It stayed hidden for a few minutes behind some garbage cans, but eventually what emerged was.....a Sora!
Quite a surprising new park bird!
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