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Posted by Brian Rapoza on 14:08:59 04/12/07
In Reply to: at the annex posted by tricia
I stopped at the Annex (Southern Glades WEA) this morning before my ENP birding trip with Whigham Elementary. The two Barred Owls (nice photo, Tricia!) were perched in Ficus trees on the east side of Aerojet Road. There were tons of Painted Buntings, including several males, in the brushy areas on both sides of the road at the north end of the annex (where it borders the agricultural fields.) Also in this area was a Lincoln's Sparrow. Other birds seen around the Annex included Sandhill Crane (flyover), Northern Flicker, Great Crested Flycatcher, White-eyed and Black-whiskered Vireo, Cedar Waxwing, Northern Parula, Orange-crowned and Prothonotary Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-breasted Chat and Brown-headed Cowbird. In stark contrast, the Lucky Hammock area was virtually birdless, with only cardinals and catbirds seen.
A Swallow-tailed Kite was soaring over Royal Palm Visitor Center as I pulled into the parking lot. Tricia pointed me in the direction of the Ficus behind the gift store, where I promptly found the Prothonotary Warbler she had seen earlier. I later refound it (or possibly another individual) in the Ficus at the Gumbo Limbo Trail exit. Barred Owls began calling while I walked Gumbo Limbo Trail, setting off a choral response from what sounded like every frog in the hammock. Pileated Woodpecker, Great Crested Flycatcher and Carolina Wren were also heard.
Shortly after my school group arrived, the skies opened as thunderstorms rolled in. Sadly, we had to pull the plug on the field trip, my last at ENP for this school year.
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