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Posted by Brendan F on 22:24:24 04/11/07
Today at Green Cay I was fortunate enough to locate a Solitary Sandpiper. From the visitor center, take the boardwalk starting on the north (left) side of the center and keep walking until you cross the first berm. It was just beyond this berm in a pool on the left. it was feeding near, but not with, a Greater Yellowlegs. I was also lucky enough to see and photograph the amusing sight of a Purple Gallinule eating algae off a disgruntled turtle. There was also one Sora somewhere along a berm near the southern side of the refuge. A Bronzed cowbird, apparently first for the wetlands, was located at the feeders yesterday, but didn't make an appearance today.
At Wakodahatchee there was a single Least Bittern, as well as nestsful of GB herons and Anhingas, plus four flyover Snail Kites.
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