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Posted by Jocelyn on 17:18:05 04/09/07
Hoping the Prothonotary Warbler was still hanging around, I went to the Nature Center around 2 PM today, and not only were there several Prothonotaries, they were there with friends! Moving through the Oaks at the beginning of the trail near the fountain: Prothonotary, Black & White, Northern Parula, Worm-eating, Black-throated Green, and a male Blackburnian. Also with them was a Blue-headed Vireo. Later, on the west loop of the trail were Prothonotary warblers again (maybe same ones?) plus Prairie and Palm warblers. The area around the pond had the usual Ibis, Moorhens, etc. plus 2 Great-Crested Flycatchers.
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