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Posted by Toe on 10:58:20 04/07/07
The "Time Limited Trio" (Trey, Bill, and myself) linked up at Barnes to enjoy the 2 hours of birding we each had. We would have liked to join the TAS walk at the Cape, but it's a long trip to just be there for an hour. Barnes was not particularly birdy, but we did see some definite migrants. Most notable sightings were a pair of awesome Prothonotaries (could they be your two Brennan?) giving us crippling looks, and a small flock of Indigo Buntings in full breeding plumage. We were joined by Greg and Debbie Jones for a while. I was really hoping to see a Swainson's, especially since I've always had good luck with these when Greg is around, but will have to settle for the Protho-notaries. Maybe Greg and Debbie can add something to the morning list. We got all the "P" warblers; Painted Redstart doesn't count.
Prairie (many, so they are definitely migrants)
Black-throated Green
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Indigo Bunting
Great-crested Flycatcher
Cedar Waxwing
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