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Posted by Paddy Cunningham on 11:15:41 04/06/07
The trip to Ft. De Soto with Broward Audubon scheduled for 4/21-23 has had to be changed to the following weekend 4/27-29. The group will meet at the Group Leaders house Paddy Cunningham for van transportation and car pooling. A few spots are still available in Paddy's van. 4/27-Eagle Lakes, Celery Fields & Arlington Park, 4/28-Ft. DeSoto (includes lunch and happy hour), 4/29 depending on Ft. DeSoto conditions back there or for points south such as Ding Darling, Cecil Webb(Bachman's/Red-cockaded). Price includes van transportation for up to 5 people, 2 nights Ramada Inn, 2 breakfast, 1 lunch and a happy hour. Bring bag lunch for Friday, dinners out and 1 lunch not covered (Sun.) 129 species last year. Cost-$225 for all 3 days, $195 if you join us on Friday night. Reservation due 4/13, payment due 4/20. Contact Paddy Cunningham at www.birdpaddy@yahoo.com or (954) 926-5458.
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