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Posted by Toe on 18:06:34 03/28/07
The BFNO was not seen this morning, probably due to a small invading force of warblers and vireos on the east side of Old Cutler, right in front of the stone shelter. The small force included elements of the 2nd Parula, 1st Black-and-White, 5th Pine, and 2nd Black-throated Green Warbler Regiments, as well as a small contingent of the Yellow-rumped Assault Brigade. There were also two platoons of Blue-headed Vireos. Air cover was provided by the Short-tailed and Broad-winged Hawk Air Squadrons, which were escorting the Black Vulture Air Fleet. An amphibious force from the 32nd Pied-billed Grebe Marine Regiment secured the small pond to the east. There were several commando units of the crack, Great-crested Red Grosbeak Battalion operating in the surrounding woods. Although the Big Fat Nothing was not relocated, the mission is considered a tactical success. I moved out of the area at 0900 hours.
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