LOKI in Key West? Maybe.

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Posted by Mark Hedden on 14:15:14 03/23/07

Sorry to be late posting this.

Neither Carl Goodrich or I saw the Loggerhead Kingbird this morning. We both got there a little late and spent about an hour and a half in the park. Carl said he talked to people who talked to people who saw it, but that's about as close to confirming things as I can get. People were doing the late afternoon vigil, though, so their may be a later report.

There were about 7 Yellow-crowned Night Herons floating around, and one strangely extroverted Swainson's Warbler. We also saw the light-phased Short-tail stoop twice and come up empty.

Mark Hedden
Bone Island Bird Expeditions
"Birding Key West, the Lower Keys, and the Rest of the World."

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