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Posted by Georgiana on 15:31:32 03/20/07
I have a very vocal brown thrasher whom I watched today sitting on top of a bush singing. He has woken us up for the past 2 mornings. He is definitely singing and he sounds like his mockingbird cousin. I did not realize they were so similar in song? ( Is this a normal thing?). Could he be establishing territory ( or do they not breed here?) I also saw a second one, possibly Mrs Thrasher, his mate? I still have the gray catbird as well , so the Mimidae family well represented in my yard. Let's hear it for yardbirds.
The black bird convention usually starts around 5 PM, I will keep my eyes open for any sign of a Brewers. This is the first time I have actually WANTED a black bird in my yard at the feeders!
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