Great Horned Owl baby at Loxahatchee

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Posted by Kevin H on 21:05:17 03/13/07

Might already be old news but there is a Great Horned Owl nest just before the turn off to Marsh Trail. The babe is about 2 weeks old I guess and very cute. Also saw the Pileated Woodpecker there.

At Green Cay we saw tons of everything but the highlights were the Painted Bunting, American Robin, and the Sora (2).

Also seen at Green Cay:
Red-winged Blackbirds (tons)
Woodstorks -at least six
Yellow-rumped Warblers -probably a couple dozen
Palm Warblers
Green Heron
Lesser Yellowlegs
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron (both phases)
Great Blue Heron
Green-winged Teal (one)
Blue-winged Teal couple dozen
Mottled Ducks
Grackles both Common and Boat-tailed
Pied-billed Grebe maybe 10
Fish Crows
Mourning Dove
Purple Gallinule (6 or 7)

and I'm sure I missed something but the place is getting to be a better birding spot every time we make it up there.

At Black Point Marina yesterday the highlights were Blue-headed Vireo, Northern Flicker, and Downy Woodpecker (we don't get those on Miami Beach).

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