TAS Trip to Three Lakes WMA

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Posted by Brian Rapoza on 23:32:30 03/10/07

First a word about the near-tragic beginning to our trip: Carmen Romero, following me in her own vehicle as we headed up Florida's Turnpike towards Yeehaw Junction, had a blowout and ran off the road at 70 mph, crashing head-on into a tree. Her seatbelt and airbag saved her; she walked away shaken but miraculously unhurt. Her nearly paid-for Explorer pickup was totaled. After being examined by rescue personnel, she insisted we carry on with our trip.

After meeting up in Yeehaw Junction with Mike Clarke, from Bloomington Indiana, we headed first to Lake Kissimmee State Park. Wild Turkey and Crested Caracara were seen along SR 60. Florida Scrub-Jay and Eastern Towhee were found at the park entrance, and White-tailed Deer and a Fox Squirrel were seen along the park road. From the observation platform near the lake, we spotted Bald Eagle, Limpkin and Sandhill Cranes. In the adjacent picnic area we found Downy Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Blue-headed Vireo, Carolina Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Northern Parula, Pine and Black-and-white Warbler, and Chipping and Savannah Sparrow.

Next we visited the southern entrance to Three Lakes WMA, on Road 10. In dry prairie along this road we flushed a single Florida Grasshopper Sparrow and a couple of Bachman's Sparrows, but only had in-flight looks. From here we headed back to Yeehaw Junction, then up US 441 to Canoe Creek Road and the Prairie Lakes Unit of the WMA. Several Bald Eagles were seen in and around the nest along Canoe Creek Road. Our first stop was at the Prairie Lakes entrance Road, where we had a Bachman's Sparrow perched and singing. While trying to get everyone on the Bachman's, a Red-cockaded Woodpecker flew into view! A Northern Bobwhite was heard here as well.

Next stop was the hunter's campground, where we found Brown-headed Nuthatch, Crested Caracara, Eastern Bluebird, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Common Ground-Dove. Joe Overstreet Road was next; seen along the road were a flock of Wild Turkey, including a displaying male, Crested Caracara, Bald Eagle, Glossy Ibis, Sandhill Crane and two Whooping Cranes. At the end of the road, and the end of our day, we had Snail Kite and two more Bald Eagles, plus Mottled Duck, Forster's Tern and Black Skimmer.

A complete list will follow; 84 species were seen. Finally, please join me in hoping that Carmen is back birding with us soon!

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