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Posted by Toe on 21:25:42 03/06/07
I went by late this afternoon and Trey was already there. He said he'd heard the House Finch near the train tracks so we searched the area without finding anything. We then went to Barnes proper to search for a certain warbler that will remain nameless. We found many warblers, but not THAT warbler. Since my car was close to the entrance, I was first to leave, while Trey walked back to his car parked at the entrance to the nature center. Instead of leaving, I parked at the entrance and gave it one more try. I quickly heard and saw two House Finches on the wire directly across from the entrance. One was the yellow variant. I called Trey, but by the time he came over they had flown into a palm. He saw them, but they weren't in the open like before.
While we were looking at the finches, a neighbor came by to ask what we were looking at. Turns out, his name is Juan, and he and his wife live in the white house with green carport in front of where the finches were perched. I told them we were looking at finches, and he replied that they "get them at their feeders all the time. There are hundreds of them." He was kind enough to take us to see his back yard, and he told us the 55 year history of this house, and of the Canvasbacks and other ducks that used to come to the lake before the county killed all the vegetation on the lake.
Sounds like these finches have been around for while. Why we never noticed them before is puzzling. According to Juan, they've been coming to his feeder for years. He could have been seeing House Sparrows, but when I asked he replied that some had pink on the head. Anyway, he invited to stop by whenever where in the area to check out his feeder. A very nice couple.
Did I mention that I did not see THE warbler? What species was it again?
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