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Posted by Toe on 15:45:19 03/03/07
I hadn't been out for pelagics this time of year, so I really didn't know what to expect. Mark Faherty joined Trey, my daughter Miranda, and Trey's daughter Abby on a scouting trip. We were hoping to find some sea duck nearshore, but no luck. At Fowey Rocks we found 6 Brown Boobies, so it seems these are here year round. We didn't see anything on the inside edge of the stream, despite a nice north current. We continued offshore until we found a weedline in 1300' of water. At first all we saw we Herring Gulls, but we soon found 3 Pomarine Jaegers, 2 Sooty Terns, 5 Northern Gannets and an Audubon's Shearwater. We came back inshore past empty ocean to shallow water and found a single Common Loon before heading to the marina. The Great Black-backed Gull was at its usual spot on the light pole on the Rickenbacker Bridge.
No big numbers yet, but we got some cool birds and the girls had a good time, especially when we found a 300 lb. Loggerhead Turtle off Key Biscayne. I hope to try again in April to see what's out there.
Day's List:
Brown Booby (6)
Pomarine Jaeger (3, all light morph adults)
Sooty Tern (2)
Audubon's Shearwater
Northern Gannet (5)
Common Loon
Herring Gull (~35)
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
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