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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 16:28:29 03/01/07
I stopped at Cutler Wetland and saw the usual plus a couple of Stilt Sandpipers. I then went looking for the Gulls in the area to try and find a Franklins. I was successful... I only found one in a mixed flock of Laughing and a few Ringbills.
There were quite a few ducks in the ponds in the neighbor hood to the east of Cutler Wetland.
Green Wing Teal
Blue Wing Teal
Mottled Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Hooded Merganser
Dowitcher SP.
Least Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Greater Yellow Legs
Lesser Yellow Legs
Black Necked Stilt
I also saw:
Northern Harrier - both Dark and Light
American Kestrel
Broad-winged Hawk
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