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Posted by Mark Faherty on 14:52:23 03/01/07
Some highlights from birding here and there the last few days with Emily Morris:
Houseless neighborhood at 217th and 312th:
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (~9, perched low, west of 212th)
Western Kingbird (1)
Clay-colored Sparrow (2)
Grasshopper Sparrow (5)
Savannah Sparrows
Flamingo area, ENP:
Lesser Nighthawk (3, east of Eco Pond evening of 2/26)
American Wigeon (~100, Coot Bay Pond)
Northern Shovelor (4, Eco and Coot Bay ponds)
All the recently reported sparrows et al were still present along the Bayshore Loop of the Coastal Prairie trail, including:
Dickcissel (1, imm. female?)
White-crowned Sparrow (3, all adults)
Clay-colored Sparrow (2, heard one singing)
Swamp Sparrow (1)
Grasshopper (5+) and Savannah Sparrows
Indigo (singing) and Painted Buntings
Orange-crowned Warbler (2)
Cape-May Warbler (1, campground)
Hermit Thrush (1)
American Goldfinches
Yesterday during some leisurely beach birding at the south end of Crandon Park, Key Biscayne we had:
Piping Plover (30+)
Wilson's Plover (20)
Semipalmated Plover (60+)
Black-bellied Plover (30)
Dunlin (1)
Dowitchers (3)
Ruddy Turnstone
Lesser Black-backed Gull (20+, all ages)
Herring Gulls
Great Black-backed Gull (3)
Royal Terns
Caspian Tern (1)
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