Brown-crested Flycatcher: Flamingo, ENP

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Posted by Robin Diaz on 16:56:06 02/07/07

This morning I arrived early in Flamingo and immediately found a Brown-crested Flycatcher near the Visitor Center. It favored the mahogany and Gumbo Limbo trees in the parking area just west of the building. A Great Crested Flycatcher was on the east side, offering good comparison of bills, yellow tones, throat areas and especially, vocalizations. The Brown-crested gave its penetrating whit and then series of loud, 2-syllable keep notes. Great Crested gave both wheeep and chatter calls.

The Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, Western Kingbirds and Orchard Oriole were all in usual spot across from the old lodge. At Eco Pond, the world s loneliest Black-necked Stilt contacted Rent-a-Friend and now has 2 buddies. At 7 AM Purple Martins came in off the water and immediately rested on the roof. From 7-8 AM HUGE waves of American Robins, Yellow-rumped Warblers and Cedar Waxwings rolled in from west to east.

The Coastal Prairie Trail was as birdy as ever! I concentrated on the Bayshore Loop, working my way through the open areas. Lots of sparrows, buntings and an excellent candidate for another Brown-crested Flycatcher probably the one seen Jan. 15 by Toe, et al. All field marks point to Brown-crested but it never vocalized, so it remains Myiarchus. Thanks to Bryant for confirming his October hunch about this area.

Birds of interest (to me):

Merlin: herding flock of waxwings
Brown-crested Flycatcher: 1 and possible second
Purple Martin: ~10
Hermit Thrush: beginning of Coastal Prairie Trail
Chipping Sparrow: 1 but looking very natty
Clay-colored Sparrow: at least 2
Savannah Sparrow: a few; perhaps the entire Eastern population?
Grasshopper Sparrow: a ton
Swamp Sparrow: 4
White-crowned Sparrow: 3, including 1 adult
Painted Bunting: plenty
Indigo Bunting: surplus; males bluing out nicely
American Goldfinch: same small flock of ~8 birds

Singing birds: White-eyed and Blue-headed Vireos, Prairie Warblers, Indigo Buntings

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