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Posted by Vince Lucas on 22:19:08 01/29/07
In Reply to: Re: STA 5 Trip Results posted by Bob Mumford
STA-5 stands for Storm Treatment Area #5. These large manmade reservoirs act as giant filters to filter out all of the phosphorus and fertilizer runoff from the thousands of acres of sugarcane fields, etc. south of Lake Okeechobee that have had detrimental effects on the Everglades and Florida Bay. A "perk" for birders (and hunters) is that these STAs attract huge numbers of waterfowl and other birds. It's simply some of the best birding in south Florida if you ask me. For more info and a bird checklist (you can add Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Sandhill Crane and Cave Swallow to it), go here:
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