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Posted by Robin Diaz and Susan Schneider on 12:37:56 01/28/07
A great assembly of ~32 birders, including a group from Collier County, first hit Lucky Hammock and Annex (appropriately called Lucky Annex by a visiting birder) to start the all-day field trip. Lucky was surrounded by farm equipment so we quickly moved to quieter Annex. Everyone got killer looks at a male Painted Bunting and Cedar Waxwings, better than usual looks at Yellow-breasted Chat and scope view of young Bald Eagle pretending to be Swainson's Hawk. The pinelands were quiet but Mahogany Hammock had a small mixed flock of passerines. Our only real disappointment was Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, a bird that has recently been very cooperative. We ran out of time to explore the Coastal Prairie Trail but were rewarded with super looks at the female Vermilion Flycatcher in the campground. (Thanks, Paul!)
Quick-eyed and sharp-eared Anthony (10 years old) kept us all on our toes and raised the enthusiasm level throughout the day. Looks like we have a new "Snapper" to fill Alex and Felipe's shoes.
Of the 105 species, here are some highlights:
light-morph Swainson's and Short-tailed Hawks: crippling looks
3-falcons: American Kestrel, Merlin, Peregrine Falcon
4-terns: Caspian, Royal, Sandwich, Forster's
2-owls: Eastern Screech-Owl and Great Horned Owl
5-woodpeckers: Red-bellied, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Downy, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Pileated
6-Tyrant flycatchers: Least, Vermilion, Great Crested, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, Eastern Phoebe, Western Kingbird
11 warblers, including: Orange-crowned, Northern Parula, Yellow-throated, Prairie, Black-and-white, American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush, Yellow-breasted Chat
Grasshopper Sparrows
2 orioles: ~4 Baltimore and 1 Orchard
American Goldfinch: a lonesome single at Eco Pond
Thanks to all who joined us and made the day successful.
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