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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 19:36:51 01/23/07
Rock, Toe and I went down to Flamingo this morning hoping to find a few good birds. We looked briefly for the Vermillion Flycatcher without any luck and headed to the Coastal Prairie Trail to look for Sparrows, Buntings and other cool stuff.
If you like Savannah Sparrows and Buntings, you would have liked the Coastal Loop just off the trail. We looked carefully at all of the Indigo Buntings hoping to find the possible Lark Bunting seen the other day. No luck there...
There were many Painted Buntings also and a few Grasshopper Sparrows, a Swamp Sparrow, a Ruby Crowned Kinglet and after spending quite a bit of time looking for something different, we finally found an Adult Male White Crowned Sparrow.
We headed back to Flamingo to ECO Pond to look for Sharp-tailed Sparrows but dipped there also. We went to the spot across from the Visitor Center and found the Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Western Kingbirds and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.
I had a good time with friends, but the birding didn't present any unexpected subjects... Maybe next time...
BTW - Rock bought Toe and I Roberts milk shakes and told us he is hanging up his birding shoes for a while. He's working on finishing up grad school and has a baby on the way.
Thanks for the shakes and good times birding. I hope your retirement is short-lived...
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